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3C Feeding & Discharging Application

ESTUN SCARA robots are designed according to ESTUN serialization and modularization concept, equipped with multifunctional Ethernet interface and a convenient 9-point calibration vision system, overall improving the efficiency of device integration and application. ESTUN SCARA robots are the perfectly suitable for solutions that require fast, repetitive and coherent point to point movement, many applications would include; loading and unloading, pick and place, pallets sorting and components insertion etc. Furthermore, ESTUN SCARA robots are capable of integrating a vision system software to further enhance productivity and capability.

Sorting Application

The current ER5-4B-400 and ER5-4B-600 SCARA robots’ main purpose is to transport and sort components in the assembly process, coordinating with an integrated vision system, it can identify the shape and color of the component with exceptional speed and precision, the system adopts pattern matching characteristics to inspect color differences which are widely utilized in the 3C electronics and assembly industry. The highly repetitive positioning precision of the ESTUN SCARA robot can guarantee a fast-sorting speeds, production time reductions, increased productivity to support components assembly, food packaging and pick & place application on small products as well as inspecting defects on products coming down the assembly line.