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6 Axis Articulated Arc Welding Robots

Panasonic presents the TM Welding Robot Series, the all new and unique generation of arc welding robots.

Customers can decide freely whether to use an externally or internally mounted torch cable to match requirements of their applications.

Additionally, the robot series benefit from a highly rigid arm structure and an improved and efficient servo motor, which provides an enhanced harmonious movement for the positioning of the welding torch.

With an all new high-resolution encoder working in combination with the highly rigid arm, the TM robots provide improved path accuracy. Through this the TM robot fits optimally the requirements of a flexible and efficient welding process.

3 Torch Types to suit your Application
External Through-Arm Separate Type

External Type

External torch cable and wire 

(+) Focused on wire feedability
(+) Easy Accessibility due to large interior

Through-arm Type

Torch cable and wire through the hollow shaft

(+) Small interior due to outside lying cables
(+) Ideal for offline programming
(-) Difficult wire management

Separate Type

Torch cables through-arm wire lying outside

(+) Flexible conduit between wire feeder and torch achieves stable wire feeding
(+) Low interior due to reduced cable weight

Combination with Full Digital Welding Power Source achieves Stable and High Quality Welding

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